No-Mow Lawns

clover lawns

Clover lawns are a great alternative to the traditional grass lawns- they are a rich resource for pollinators, they can hold up against foot traffic (dogs included), and the flowers add curb appeal and will make you stand out from your neighbors.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What will it look like in winter?

Clover isn't an evergreen, so just like a traditional grass lawn, it will go dormant during the winter and will present itself fairly similarly to the way grass looks that time of year.

What kinds of seeds do you use?

We proudly use OPN Seed who offer a wide variety of lawn alternative seed mixes.

How often do I have to mow?

The answer is a lot less frequently than a traditional grass lawn. Clover only grows to be 2-8 inches in length, so really you only need to mow it a few times a year!